Meet Dr. Anita K. Smith Life * After * Divorce * Coach


Dr. Anita K. Smith

Dr. Anita K. Smith is America’s #1 Life After Divorce Coach, Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI), Financial Advisor, Keynote Speaker, and Award-Winning Author.

Dr. Anita works with individuals who are “single again” after divorce cope with change and uncertainty in their new life by using tools and techniques to help clients transform, heal, recover, and eliminate pain, grief, and loss of the relationship or marriage breakup. She knows firsthand the effects and emotions of going through a divorce can wreak havoc on your life and can cause you to experience health issues, financial issues, and relational issues.

Dr. Anita went from being married for over 10 years to being “single again” in 1 year. She began raising her children alone as a “single” parent, working two jobs to make ends-meet, attending college - full-time, conquering large amounts of debts and credit card bills, juggling the children’s extracurricular activities, going to church, and barely living…just existing in this world.

Dr. Anita can help you regain your self-esteem and your self-worth. She will guide you, motivate you, and encourage you to become a CHAMPION AGAIN with practical solutions that you can implement right away to break free from a victim mindset and develop a warrior mindset. After working with Dr. Anita, you will recover, re-ignite, and rebuild your life after divorce.

Setbacks are temporary and they are not a part of your destiny
— Dr. Anita K. Smith

Dr. Anita’s Speaking & Organizational Affiliations

Dr. Anita has been featured in media and television appearances for various organizations such as: The Women Speakers Association, The Power Up Summit Conference, and Building Wealth Together Summit Conference.

Dr. Anita enjoys speaking and sharing her knowledge and expertise with diverse audiences through virtual and traditional platforms. Some of her topics include divorce, finance, mindset, adversity, empowerment, and personal development.

Dr. Anita is the award-winning, published author of the 2021 motivational and inspirational self-help book entitled “You Can Make It: How To Start Living Your Virtuous Life.”

Dr. Anita is a guest contributing writer for The Divorce Magazine - United Kingdom; Vision Magazine - United States; Divine Purpose Magazine - Barbados; and World Pulse Magazine - International.

  • WSA TV Appearance

  • Divorce Keynote Speaker

  • Finance Keynote Speaker

  • Certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer

  • Public Speaking Member

  • Financial Educator

“Life does not End after Divorce. It begins Again!”

~ Dr. Myles Munroe

What Others Are Saying…


“Dr. Anita expressed care and professionalism to me when I felt like I was in between a rock and a hard place after the dissolution of my marriage.” “Dr. Anita personally encouraged me, as she displayed compassion and tact in providing advice, along with a heap of motivational and inspirational guidance for me to make it through my divorce. I definitely recommend Dr. Anita’s coaching services to women and men of all ages, to assist them through their divorce.

Happy Client

Dr. Anita worked with me for 1 year during my divorce. She helped me when I could not help myself. I was devastated, traumatized, and depressed because I felt like a victim. Dr. Anita was the answer to my prayers; the HELP that I needed to make it through my situation. I was shocked going through a divorce, after being married for all of my adult life. Dr. Anita is a wonderful divorce coach. She is understanding and knowledgeable about the divorce process.


Dr. Anita’s 90-day coaching services was a great course for me. When I first started her course, I was angry, bitter, and broken. The blueprint, assignments, encouragement, and mindset techniques that she facilitated each week, helped me to overcome my fears, hurts, and pains. She provided so much value, care, empathy, and results in this divorce course. I received my transformation and closed my heart and the door to my past life. She is really genuine and cares about each client. Sign up for her course today!